From startup businesses and trademarks to commercial real estate and complex business contracts, the attorneys at Rust Belt Law have experience representing individuals and businesses in all different areas. As a modernized law practice that prides itself on efficiency and accessibility, Rust Belt Law helps entrepreneurs and small businesses with the legal issues that keep them up at night.

Download this eBook for free now!

The Questions You Didn't Know to Ask

Whether your business is being purchased or you’ve simply made the decision to close up shop, there are many steps involved when winding up a business. From different state authorities to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), you’ll want to make sure you’ve notified all parties involved. The goal of dissolution, or winding up a business, is to minimize legal liability for the owners.

Depending on your type of company and the contracts and obligations you currently hold, there are many different steps required in closing a business.

Download our Free Guide entitled: The Questions You Didn’t Know to Ask. This FREE resource includes many of the most commonly asked questions that business owners ask when they reach out to our firm. We have also included some examples of issues that can derail a business if not addressed before they happen.

Call Rust Belt Business Law

(814) 315-9255

Adam Williams

Adam is the founder of Rust Belt Business Law – a fast-growing law firm in a slow-growing town. His mission: restoring the rust belt with entrepreneurship, job creation, and dad jokes. Our firm helps small businesses pursue opportunities, create jobs, and improve our economy. At one time Adam started a grilled cheese food truck. Before that, he launched a board game that brought national media attention. Adam spends his time now working on other ventures that are a little more grown up. Adam is inspired by entrepreneurship and small business, direct response marketing, non-traditional and unexpected solutions, mindset & personal development, helping create businesses that serve the owners, and high performance driving.
Adam Williams Business Law